Friday, March 31, 2006

Meet at Khatib at 830 am on Sunday morning. There will most probably be a team lunch following the match. Those unable to make it for either or both to inform Manager Yarsene Wenger. Thank you for your co-operation.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Read blogs. Heard what u guys had to say.

I wasnt at the game. Nor was my spirit there to cheer u guys on. Thus there's nothing i can say except.... U guys should go watch V for Vendetta!!

May u all see Victory after tt..

X-S FC prevails!
vice captain Farrell wishes to apologise to captain Yasin for the lacklustre performance of himself and some other particular team-mate. i think we gave around 80% of our efforts lah actually. so isnt tt bad. haha. lets take this thrashing as a learning point as we attempted to joga bonito. In the end, we did it. Cheers!! :D:D:D

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I apologise guys, for failing to arrange a match last sunday. I'll surely be able to arrange one this sunday mornin coz it won't be so last minute.

so, get ready to receive a msg to check the website. sayonara!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Congratulations to everyone! We have all now completed a phase in life and half on you are already on the next phase. One of life's biggest hurdle has been cleared and we must be proud of what we've achieved.

Special congratulations to Huda, Shahrul and Liang-O for their outstanding results. Sorry if anybody was missed out.

Adios amigos. I'll try oraganising a match this Sunday morning, so keep urself free.