Thursday, April 26, 2007

Disgruntled X-S Players?
by Earnest Louis, The Newt Paper

Recent reports from an X-S FC insider has revealed a dressing room problem that needs to be resolved. Apparently, this problem has nothing to do with the poor state of the club's dressing room but is actually caused by the lack of matches in recent time. Manager Yarsene Wenger along with his fellow Co-Managers; Jose Booninho, Derek O'Leary and Rafarrell Benitez have to hold an emergency meeting to address this problem soon or the players may threaten to... get angrier. They can't possibly walk out as no other clubs would actually want them.

Anyways, there has been rumours about the possibility of X-S FC being renamed and rebuilt to suit the challenges of recent times and new teams on the block. However, noone from the club could be reached for comments.

Club Captain, Mamad Fabreyaz is experiencing burn-out due to being exposed to the Beautiful Game at such a tender age and is currently undergoing a drop in morale and form. Furthermore, he just underwent a minor operation on his left toe in Taiwan, due to an injury gotten in the last few days prior to his Commissioning. He's in a major crisis and only he can pull himself out of the complex mess he's in. The team needs to re-group and news is spreading fast that the boys are flying off in 2008 to go on an overseas tour and play against teams from Asia/Oceania region.

X-S fans should keep their fingers crossed and keep updated on the X-S Blogsite for further updates. Til then, may we Joga Bonito through NS.

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