Sunday, September 07, 2008

Back to more serious issues, ESPZEN payment is due on 22nd September. If i'm not wrong, its a truckload of money. So those who have paid less than they've played and those who are ever-present for the games please prepare your money.

On top of that, theres the missing jersey money mystery. Hazim, Hafiz, Thaqif and Naqib said they have paid Daniel the money on our first match at MJC against 6 Yard Box, but Daniel doesn't seem to remember. I understand if you all couldn't give a damn cos its NOT YOUR money anyways, and you could say "don't make your problem my problem". But please give me a hand, I've been advancing all the fucking payments and until now some of you have not paid me back. My bank account's drying up to be honest, cos recently my bike skidded and cracked, and I've gotta pay for that. So pleases, can someone suggest to me how we can settle this issue fairly. Or at least if any of you actually witnessed them paying or anything like that. If not can we just spilt the cost, as unfair as it sounds?

I'm almost done letting off steam, in the most controlled manner possible. I'd appreciate all your input guys. And thanks to all those who've paid up with no hassle.

Last but not least, let's keep our good football flowing when we rape the pitch in Clementi Stadium come 2 weeks time.

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