Wednesday, December 02, 2009


X-S FC v Nauticals aka NottyGers

6 December, Sunday
9am (assemble at 8.15 for warm-ups cos we REALLY need to warm-up)
Wear ALL White (opponents in Yellow)
Clementi Woods Secondary School

Predator X that has yet to be released on the shelves have hit Captain Fabreyas' secret shop. Please approach him if you want to get a pair. UK8.5 only.

Guys, i bet we've missed each other throughout this trying period of separation. Let's return to action with a hunger that's never seen before. So please don't eat from now onwards so that we'll be hungry when the match comes. (Ok i'm kidding, don't take this seriously.)

Anyways, I'd like to appoint Claudio Ranie-Nuri as the Head Coach for the upcoming match. Derek O'Leary is leaving to set-up his Sandy Football School in Vietnam and Cambodia to raise the profile of ASEAN football tomorrow night. RanieNuri himself is leaving to THE STATES after this match, to pursue his quest for (more) white chicks.

Furthermore, Rio Ferdineng and Cesc Fabreyas are leaving for the Land of the Smiles from 18th to 23rd, so Jamie Farrellgher will take up captaincy from next game onwards and Jose Booninho willl aid Rafarell Benitez along the way.

This will be a testing month, matches come few and far in between and the pain of a loss will linger longer. Let's ensure maximum points when we return to the pitch this weekend.

Everyone please update your availability ASAP! You don't have excuses unless you're an NTU student yet to finish your exams boohoohoo.

P.S. All those who have yet to pay for the league, please do so as we have run out of cash according to Derek O'Leary. Let's hope he didn't do a Thaksin. hahaha.

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