Monday, October 27, 2008

X-S FC has been hit by the global credit crunch and the club is in chaos!

"Beer tycoons (i can't remember their names) have pulled out of the club, leaving the club finances in disarray and the inability to compete in the money-consuming ESPZEN. They will instead participate in a lower level league. However, we have managed to persuade the beer tycoons to leave behind their magical beer-making kettle to satisfy the alcoholics in the team." said a club spokesperson, after Fabreyaz leaked news that the club will not be taking part in top flight football anymore.

Fans are really angry with the recent lack of matches and feel that they aren't getting their money's worth from season tickets.
"I hope their dicks shrink!" said one male fan, pointing at a picture of Rafarrell Benitez and Yarsene Wenger.
"Fucking cunt!", said another male fan, while vandalising a raunchy picture of Derek O'Leary, outside the stadium.
"He's hawt!", purred a female fan, pointing at the picture of poster boy Woo Wee Becks with one hand, and the other in her skirt.

For now, let's look forward to seeing each other again this saturday, where we will take our brand of football to Braddell pitch, and erm, try our best to win. Just remember, the team doesn't need anything, except the Scouse spirit. And i thank you for reading this.

P.S The location and venue is below, so:
1) Read it
2) Do some soul-searching and decide if you can play
3) Pick your phone up
4) Text either " Yes my dick will be down there this sunday" or " No my dick will be in some hole i can't play" to
whoever you've been receiving messages from. I'm talking about either Farrell or Yasin, not the Thai prostitute.

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